Critical Error: SiteUrls.Config

The file containing the SiteUrl Data could not be loaded.

Please contact your CommunityServer administrator. A technical explanation of why this error is caused is below.

Community Server expects to find a valid XML file containing all of the links for a community. By default, this file is located at the root of the with the name SiteUrls.config. 

A common error is to included unescaped XML characters, such as "&" when defining a querystring.

If available, the location of the error will be listed below:

无法生成临时类(result=1)。 error CS0016: 未能写入输出文件“c:\Windows\Temp\elje8e1h.dll”--“Could not execute CVTRES.EXE.”

For more information you can also visit http://CommunityServer.Org the home of the CommunityServer Forums development team.